This is from The History of Mapleton, by Ralph K. Harmer and Wendell B. Johnson, on page 178.
Anna Mary Bulkley Whiting
Anna Mary
Bulkley was born January 21, 1854 in Springville, Utah. She was the daughter of
Newman Bulkley and Olive Amanda Fullmer Bulkley. She married Edwin Lucius Whiting
December 18, 1871 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake city, Utah. Soon
afterward they went to Mapleton, Utah to build a home. Mapleton was a sage
covered benchland at the time which was just being homesteaded. She and her
husband took up some acres to homestead and built a house, barn, granary and
buggy shed. They cleared off the land, planted fruit and shade trees, berry
bushes, grapevines, a garden, and crops of grain, alfalfa, and later, sugar
Anna had
three children before her husband, Bishop Whiting, took a second wife. She
eventually bore him eleven children. Since her husband was so busy with his
ward obligations, and a second family, Anna was chiefly responsible for raising
her own little family. This she did by hard work and good management.
Anna spent
much of her life alone with her young family because her husband died in 1896.
So this pious, hardworking woman and her young family all pitched in together
to earn their own way. They did it successfully and even sent some of the children
on missions for their church. There was always time for her to help a neighbor,
deliver a baby, or nurse the sick. She was active in her church and encouraged
her children to be active also. She loved music, and to watch young people
dance and have fun. As a result, she always had a house full of young people
and visitors.
The people
of Mapleton respected Mrs. Whiting so much that they gave her a party at the
Town Hall. They presented her with a small table, a beautiful lamp, and a dark
wood mahogany rocking chair as a token of appreciation for all the service that
she had rendered the community. She used them constantly and appreciated them
very much until her death June 10, 1929 at her home in Mapleton.
Edwin Lucius Whiting
Edwin Lucius
Whiting was born October 22, 1845 at Nauvoo, Illinois. His parents were Edwin
and Elizabeth Partridge Tillotson Whiting. His father was a man of moderate
means and worked as a farmer and horticulturist in Nauvoo until 1846 when he
moved with his family to Mt. Pisgah. Three years later, when Lucius was four
years old, the family was driven out of that area after having their home, a
chair factory, and all that they owned burned by mobs.
The Whiting
family then emigrated to Utah traveling across the plains by ox team. Captain
Ezra T. Benson was in command of their company and they reached Salt Lake City
in November of 1849. From there they were directed by Brigham Young to proceed
to Manti. After three weeks of hard travel they reached Walker’s Camp of five hundred
Indians on the present site of Manti. Here they made dugouts on the south side
of the stone quarry, just beneath where the temple now stands. In this dugout
father’s sister Louisa was born. It was a very hard winter, snow fell four feet
deep and all their cows and oxen perished. Lucius’s father and Orvilla Cox had
to travel to Salt Lake City on Snowshoes to get relief for the settlement.
In 1868
President Young called Lucius’s father to Springville where he became a very
successful nurseryman and farmer. Edwin Whiting planted many of the beautiful
fir trees in Springville, Provo and other central Utah towns. In 1868 Lucius
Whiting, with several other young men, made a trip across the plains to get
emigrants. This trip lasted six months and was a special calling from the
general authorities. Edwin Lucius also took part in the Black Hawk War and was
assigned as a minute man in the home guard.
On December
18, 1871 Lucius married Anna Mary Bulkley. She bore him eleven children:
Millie, Elizabeth, Lucius Burr, Clarence Othel, Jane, Ovilla, George Clinton,
Belva, Blanche, Randall Austin and Edna. On December 26, 1877 he married a
second wife, Fannie Johnson, in the St. George Temple. To care for his growing families
Lucius constantly engaged in the labors of his choice, that of farming and
stock raising. His two young families had to work hard to make ends meet. In
1885 Lucius was selected Presiding Elder of the little branch on Union Bench
and on August 21, 1888 a Mapleton ward was organized with Brother Whiting as
its first Bishop.
In 1891
Lucius went to Mexico to escape prosecution for being a polygamist. He and his
family stayed there eighteen months before they returned. When they returned
Lucius resumed his job as bishop and reestablished his family here. Before he
completed his activities, however, he was stricken with pneumonia and taken
from this life. He left his family and many friends to mourn his loss. He was
honored and loved by all who knew his pleasant thoughtful nature, and he was
respected by those who opposed his religious beliefs.
He was
Bishop of the Mapleton Ward at the time of his death which occurred February
19, 1896. He was fifty years old. His passing ended a career of usefulness and
created a void in Mapleton’s social and religious circles which was hard to
fill. However, his record of service and hard work has given his family a
legacy to be proud of.