Friday, May 23, 2014

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 10: Some Sketches and Pictures

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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Here are some sketches she included at the end of the life history. Click to enlarge.

a spinning wheel

Best dress before and about 1900

Used by my (i.e. Velma's) grandmother and my mother and others
Grandparents of Velma Tyler (These images were included in my copy of her life history; however, the quality was not great. To be honest, when the same images were available on Family Search in better quality I just copied and pasted them here. Many thanks to those who uploaded those photos on Family Search. And if you have the originals of any of these photos, I would love to see them and share them here, or see you upload them on Family Search!):
Sarah Catherine Jones

John Tyler
John Gabriel Hogan
Mariah Elizabeth Segraves
Parents of Velma Tyler:
Mary Ann Hogan Tyler
Mary Ann Hogan

Rufus Black Tyler
Rufus Black Tyler
Children of Mary Ann Hogan and Rufus Black Tyler:

Ada Ethel
Ora Blanche
Thelma Tyler

John Leslie
Glenda Opal
Jewel Catherine
Samuel Lyman
Rufus Lloyd
Velma Tyler and Jerald Wesley Glenn
The rest of the life history is pictures of people who are still alive, so I won't share that right now.

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 9: Family Descriptions

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Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Parents of my mother, Mary Ann Hogan, John Gabriel Hogan (B) 22 March 1851. (D) 17 July 1933 (B.&(D) in Attica, Randolph Co.,Ark. He was a small man with dark brown hair & dark gray eyes, dark complexion, very quiet but easy to laugh. He loved to play his violin. Many times he would sit up nights until midnight & play his violin for his own relaxation and amusement. Sometimes when we children were there he would get up from his chair, play his violin start dancing a jig, laugh and kick the chair over nearest to him. Grandma would laugh and say, "O Pa, behave yourself."

Mary Elizabeth Segraves (B) 14 June 1856, (D) 16 Jan.1944 in Attica ,Randolph Co., Ark. She had light brown hair, blue eyes & fair complexion. (Hair very curly.) She was a very jolly person and loved to joke.

Parents of my father, Rufus Black Tyler. John Tyler (B) abt 1810 (D) abt 1876 in Lima, Randolph Co., Ark. Dark hair, dark complexion, dark eyes.

Sarah Catherine Jones (B) abt 1839 (D) abt 1885 or 1886 in Lima Randolph Co. , Ark. Fair skin, bluish eyes, light brown hair. (I don t know anything about them. I didn't see them.

My father, Rufus Black Tyler. (B( 20 Auq. 1871 (Lima Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 29 Oct. 1949, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho. He had dark skin, dark brown hair, gray eyes. He loved to read the scriptures, sing, dance, tell stories to we children in the evening by the fireplace. Jolly but very strict when he needed to be. A hard worker. Very neat and clean in appearence [sic].

My Mother--- Mary Ann Hogan (B) 5 Jan. 1877, Attica, Randolph, Ark. (D) 25 June 1964 Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., Idaho. She was very small about 5ft. Dark hair, dark skin & dark gray eyes. Jolly, loved to tease we children. She sang a lot to we children when we were small. She was an excellent seamstress and a very clean house keeper. "Everything in it's [sic] place and a place for everything".

Brothers and sisters of Velma Tyler (Glenn)------

Ada Ethel Tyler )B) 2 July 1893 Attica Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 20 June 1955 in Saginaw, Michigan. Light brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin.
Emmett Tyler (B) 22 June 1895 Attica Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 10 Nov. 1921 Solomanville, Graham Co., Ariz. He was tall, about 5 ft. 10 Or 6 ft. Dark brown hair &skin, dark gray eyes. Very religious, sincere yet had his fun times. when [sic] all his sisters had their girl friends over Emmett would dress in a girls dress and play his violin while the girls danced. They all had a lot of fun. In those days people had to make their own fun. Now it is made for them. It takes away all their immagination [sic] and initiative.
Blanche Tyler (B) 18 Feb. 1898 at Attica Randolph Co.,Ark. (D) 18 Apr.1980 at Idaho Falls Bonneville Co., Idaho. She had dark brown hair, medium dark skin, gray eyes. She also loved to sing and dance.
Edna Tyler (B) 21 Mar.1900 Attica, Randolph Co.,Ark. Medium brown hair &skin med. dark. About the same likes and dislaikes [sic] as the others.
Thelma Tyler (B) 31 Mar.  1903 (d) 6 Aug. 1904 Attica, Randolph Co., Ark. Blue eyes, light skin, light brown curly hair.
Velma Tyler (B) 25 Jan. 1906 Attica Randolph co.,Ark. Medium golden Brown hair, medium dark skin and gray eyes. Loves good Folk, Clasical [sic] & good country music, danceing [sic], sewing, all kinds of fancy work, quilting, Genealogy & research. Loves to read screptures [sic] and all good clean books and literature. Love to sing. I have been on two missions for our church. 1 stake & one foreign.
John Leslie Tyler (B) 16 February 1909 Attica Randolph Arkansas. Light brown hair, fair skin & blue eyes. Loves music, all good music, singing, dancing. He and his wife, Edith, have been on two missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
Glenda Opal Tyler (B) 19 May 1912 (in Attica Randobph Co..Ark.
Gray eyes, mediummbrown [sic] hair, olive color skin. She love [sic]to mix with people., love her Church work. She has been working as an officiator in the Los Angles temple for twelve years. Is still working there.
Mildred Tyler (B) 27 Feb. 1915. Enola, Faulkner Co.,Ark. Gray eyes, medium dark skin, medium brown hair. She has about the same qualities as all we girls do. Loves good music, her church work, fancy work, sewing etc.
Jewel Catherine Elizabeth Tyler (B) 23 June 1918 Enola Faulkner Co.,Ark. She is a registered nurse, now retired, Works [sic] as an officiator in the Idaho Falls Idaho temple. Loves drama, music, dancing, sewing, fancy work etc. She has brown eyes, fair skin and medium dark red hair.
Samuel Lyman Tyler (B) 27 Mar. 1920 Attica Randolph Co.,Ark. Gray eyes, mediun [sic] dark skin,medium dark hair. Loves history, Mucsic [sic] drama. He received his Dr. of pholosophy [sic] degree from the University of Utah. he teaches in the unuversity [sic] and writes books on history and writes boigraphies [sic].
Rufus Lloyd Tyler (B) 25 June 1923, Attica, Randolph, Arkansas. Has blue or light gray eyes, fair skin and light brown curly hair. He loves music,  singing and instrumental. He owns a sports good store and is a very successful business man.

Children of Velma Tyler and Jerald Wesley Glenn-------

Moena Glenn . . . She has medium brown hair, gray eyes and medium dark or olive complexion. She loves all good music. She sings and plays the piano and organ. She sews, Knits, crochets very well and is a good cook. Very religious.

Patricia Ann Glenn . . . She has medium brown curly hair, fair skin and blue eyes. She loves religious and clacical [sic] music. She sings and plays the piano, sews, knits, crochets and is a good cook.

Donald Wesley Glenn . . . He has medium dark skin, gray or brownish eyes, & dark brown curly hair. He loves good music, religion, Sings and plays the clarinet. He is an agronomist. very good in woodwork.

Derald Boyd Glenn . . . He has medium brown curly hair, gray or hazel color eyes, medium fair complexion. He is religious. Loves good music, including singing and playing the different instruments. He plays the obo [sic]. He is a successful farmer.

Next are listed the grandchildren and great grandchildren of Velma Tyler Glenn and Jerald Wesley Glenn and their attributes and birth dates. I am going to omit that part for now since as far as I know they are all still alive.

>>Part 10

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 8: Church Activities

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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10


While we (the Rufus Black Tyler family) lived in Ft Thomas, Arizona (about two miles from), I was Secretary of the Sunday School and 2nd Counseller [sic] in the MIA Presidency, in the Emery ward, 1925 to about 1927 . We moved to Twin Falls, Idaho, in June, 1927.

I served as a Stake Sunday School Secretary and a class  supervisor from 1930 to about 1933. My husband, Jerald Wesley Glenn, was in the Stake Sunday School Presidency at the same time.

I served as a class instructor in the Primary organization for 15 years. Secretary of the Relief Society for two years, visiting teacher 15 years, secretary of the Genealogy Library in Twin Falls, Idaho, and a member of the South Central Idaho Genealogy Chapter for 12 or 14 years.

I was President of the Kimberly Ward MIA for about two years and attendance secretary for five or more years.

My husband and I were on a Twin Falls Stake mission for three years. Maybe influenced two to join the Church. Someone did at that time. Anyway, they joined the Chruch [sic].

October, 1974 , Wesley and I were called by President Spencer W Kimball to serve a mission for one and one half years in the Missouri Independence Mission. Because of my health problems, we were unable to leave for our mission until the 20th of March, 1975. We served in the “Mormon Visitors Center" in Independence the full time. Experiences there varied. People came there to see from all over the world. Some were just curious to see what was in the building and didn't want to hear our story about the Gospel and some were very very interested. It was thrilling to see the interested and disappointing to have to take those through the building that weren't interested. We as missionaries had our thrilling experiences and our sad experiences as all missionaries do. Graham W Doxey was our Mission President. He was strict but very sympathetic and understanding.

My husband and I have gone through the Cardston, Alberta, Canada Temple and in the 48 of the United States, the Ogden, Salt Lake, St George, Logan Temples in Utah, the Mesa Temple in Arizona, the Los Angeles and Oakland Temples in California, and the Idaho Falls Temple in Idaho. We have done some baptisms. We were usually asked to act as witnesses and the young people that came did the baptisms. We have done many many endowments and sealings in the temples. I started to keep the temple slips but there were so many, I quit saving them.

I have enjoyed all of my church work very much. I love the Church very much. My faith in the Church and its teachings and the leaders in the Church has helped me endure many problems that I have been faced with. I hope and pray that I can always remain faithful and that our families will remain faithful to the teachings of our Lord and Savoir.

Line of Priesthood Authority of Rufus Black Tyler, my father.
He was ordained a High Priest by Mitchel W Hunt, who was ordained by
Melvin J Ballard, who was ordained by
Heber J Grant, who was ordained by
George Q Cannon, who was ordained by
Brigham Young, who was ordained by
Joseph Smith Jr, and the three witnesses, Oliver Cowdrey [sic], Martin Harris and David Whitmer
Joseph Smith Jr, was ordained by Peter, James, and John who were ordained by Jesus Chirst [sic].

Line of Priesthood Authority of Jerald Wesley Glenn, my husband
He was ordained a High Priest by Rex Pickett Hall, who was ordained by
Joseph Fielding Smith, who was ordained an apostie by
Joseph F Smith, who was ordained an apostle by
Brigham Young, who was ordained and [sic] apostle by
Joseph Smith Jr, and the three witnesses, Oliver Cowdrey [sic], Martin Harris and David Whitmer.
Joseph Smith Jr was ordained by Peter, James and John, who were ordained by Jesus Christ.

Ordination and Authority - continued.

Derald Boyd Glenn was ordained a Seventy by Paul H Dunn, who was ordained a seventy by
David O McKay, who was ordained by
Joseph F Smith, who was ordained by
Brigham Young, who was ordained by
Joseph Smith Jr, and the three witnesses, Oliver Cowdrey [sic], Martin Harris and David Whitmer.
Joseph Smith Jr was ordained by Peter, James and John who were ordained by Jesus Christ.

Derald Boyd Glenn was ordained a High Priest by his father Jerald Wesley Glenn, whose line of Priesthood Authority is included above. J Wesley Glenn was assisted in the ordination by Bishop James Wright, and a former Bishop Floyd Olsen.

Donald Wesley Glenn was ordained a High Priest by Lloyd A Hamilton, who was ordained by

(Donald's priesthood line of authority is not included here--there is just a blank space.)

We have had seven grandsons fill full time missions---

Our oldest daughter, Moena and her husband, Van T Stonehocker, have had five fill missions--
     Wesley Glenn Stonehocker, in the California South Mission
     Thomas Perry Stonehocker, in the Maryland-Delaware Mission
     Mitchell Cory Stonehocker, in the England-London Mission
     Sydney Dean Stonehocker, in the Norway-Oslow Mission
     Michael Bradley Stonehocker, in the Arizona-Tempe and Minnesota-Minneapoiis

Our second daughter, Patricia, and her husband, Allan E Bates, son Derald Ormas Bates filled a mission in Kentucky-Tennessee Mission.

Our son, Derald Boyd Glenn and his wife, Lois, have had their son, Kevin Jerald Glenn fill a mission in England-London East Mission.

(Derald and Lois's son Jason has since served a mission in the Philippines.)

Jerald Wesley & Velma Tyler Glenn 1980

Taken 1979
Golden Wedding Picture

>>Part 9

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 7

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Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

I had Measels (the big red) , German measels or Rubella, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, rhumatic [sic] or maybe I had typhoid fever again the next summer. The Doctor wasn't sure what I had. My hair almost all came out and I could peel my skin off in flakes after I got up from the bed after I recovered from both sicknesses. I also had the chicken pox. All these by the time I was 13 years old.

When I was very small, just walking, I ran into a kettle of hot water the older children had set on the floor, and burned byself [sic] very severely. The scars that it made stayed with me until I was grown. The scars I saw were on my right leg and hip. One of the scars on my leg between my knee and hip was about two inches wide and at least six inches long. I can't remember when they completely disappeared.

In the 1960's, I was trying to feed the cows and fell against a plow and cracked my ribs. They hurt me for months. Another time, I was under the car, trying to help locate a bolt. The car slipped off and cracked my ribs again. This hurt me for months. I couldn't get comfortable sitting up or laying down unless I took something to kill the pain.

The first week in March, 1977, we had been cleaning the freezer and I decided to get the food replaced in it. I tried to lift a box of meat which I didn't know was three times too heavy for me to lift . I twisted my back bone and ribs and bruised all the organs in my body so much I could hardly bare [sic] to move for a year. I went to Dr. Pond . He had my back x-rayed but didn't do anything to help me but give my some pain pills. They didn't kill all the pain, it was so severe.

Last March, 1978, I started to go to a chiropractor, Dr. Alan Fox. He helped my back. Dr. Fox had me come twice per week for awhile. Then I fell twice that summer and got my back out of alignment in four places. I am going to him now (March 1979) sometimes once or twice each month. My back will not stay in alignment very long. The one place between my shoulders hurts and pinches my nerves almost continually.

Repair and uterus straightened 1939
Hysterectomy 1949
Legation (some of the veins in my legs striped) 1960
Hemorroidectomy 9 January 1975
I think that‘s all. Anyway, who wants to readvaH this? ? ?

Almost everything . . . Food, . . Grasses, . . . weeds, fungi, moulds.
If I get chilled, I break out with hives, or nervous
Other than Hives, Allergies and Sinus, Allergies can and do affect me either way.

Vacinations [sic] - Immunizations --
Smallpox, Diptheria, in the 1930's or early in the 1940's. Polio and tetanus booster in 1975.

Sports  I like softball, basketball, tennis , volley ball, riding a horse and in a car. I don't care to participate now--too old, I guess. I like to see others participate. I don't care for rough games, like wrestling, boxing, and football. I never learend [sic] to swim. I am still frightened of water if it is over ankle deep.

Music  I have always loved good music. My favorite kind of music--folk, classical , patriotic, religious, etc. The relatives I knew and heard of on my mother's side of the family loved music. They sang, danced, and could play some musical instruments--violin, accordian. Grandfather John Gabriel Hogan's sister, Delilah, was a very excellent ball room dancer. It was said of her that they were sure she could dance all night with a bucket of water on her head and never spill a drop. My father, Rufus Black Tyler, was also considered a good ball room dancer. I never saw him dance. I suppose he thought when anyone got married, they should settle down and rear and take care of their family. This he did.

Hobbies Knit, crochet, sew, embroider, quilt and read good books. The books that have influenced me most are: The Standard Works of the Church (LDS), the magazines they publish. I also like to read history and study geography. I keep letters of Genealogical information, and some of the immediate family letters.

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 6: Descendants

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Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10


Grandma Velma gives a lot of information here about her children and their families, including many dates and places. Since they are all still living as far as I know, I've opted to omit some of that information (mainly birth dates and places) for now in order to protect their privacy. If any of the people listed here would like me to remove more information, please let me know and I will be happy to do so.

Moena Glenn was born . . . in the old Twin Falls County Hospital, which is near and east of the new Magic Valley Memorial Hospital. She was the first grandchild on the Glenn side of the family. For that reason, I suppose, I had to have a private room and a special registered nurse, who was my husband's sister,
Thelma Glenn. She took complete care of me and the baby, Moena. She changed our clothes, our bed, gave us our baths. Before the Doctor came in for his daily visit, she would but [sic] a bit of makeup on me and a touch of color, and say to the Doctor, “Don't you think I have a pretty patient?"

When the baby and I came home from the hospital, Wesley's four sisters would each have to take turns holding her. Each would tell the other she didn't know how to hold her. They would try to sit her up but she was too young. She would just bend over. Poor little child. I was glad when they decided to go home and dreaded to see them come again. When she really got old enough to sit upright, the newness had worn off so they didn't bother her so much. Dr. Joseph Davis was our family Doctor.

Moena was married to Van Tassell Stonehocker, . . . in the Logan Temple, Logan, Cache Valley, Utah by Elder ElRay L. Christensen. They have eight children:
          Wesley Glenn Stonehocker
          Thomas Perry         "
          John LaRe1e          "
          Mitchell Cory         "
          Sydney Dean         "
          Marcelle Susann     "
          Michael Bradley     "
          James Andrew       "

Wesley filled a mission in California South. Thomas in New Jersey, Deleware [sic], Virginia and Washington DC. Mitchell filled a mission in England. Sydney filled a mission in Norway. Michael filled a mission in Arizona and Minnesota.

Moena was baptized 1 March 1939, by Kenneth Johnson and confirmed by William Egbert at the same time, in the old Twin Falls Stake house, by the Park. The building has been torn down.

Moena graduated from Kimberly High School, and attended the University of Idaho and the Beloit College, studying music.

Patricia Ann Glenn was born at home (at that time) on Highland Av in the south eastern secion [sic] of Twin Falls, about a block south of the railroad . . . Dr. Joseph Davis was the attending physician and Wesley's sister was the nurse (Thelma) . She stayed with us and took care of us for a week. Patricia was baptized 6 April, 1940, in the old stake house on 4th Avenue, east in Twin Falls by S S Bartlett and confirmed by Herman G Lind. In those days, when our children were small or baptismal age, certain men were assigned to do all the baptizing and confirming each month. The father wasn't given the privilege.

Patricia graduated from Kimberly High School and studied business at Heneger's Business College in Salt Lake City, Utah.

She was married, . . . , to Allan Eugene Bates in the Idaho Falls Temple by William L Kilpack, Temple President.

Allan and Patricia have four children:

          Derald Orman Bates
          Lisa Louise           "
          Mary Annette       "
          Charlotte Yvonne "

Derald Ormas Bates filled a mission in Kentucy [sic] and Tennessee in 1976 and 1977

Donald Wesley Glenn was born . . . in the old hospital east of the new Twin Falls Memorial Hospital, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho. He was our first boy. I sure was thrilled about that. Donald was baptized by M F Lind and confirmed by W A Masters, 4 October, 1941. He was ordained to all the offices of the priesthood by his father, Jerald Wesley Glenn except to the office of High Priest. He was ordained a High Priest by Lloyd A Hamelton, the Stake President of the Twin Falls Stake, 18 February, 1968.

Donald graduated from Kimberly High School and received a Bachlors [sic] of Science degree from the Universtiy [sic] of Idaho, at Moscow.

Donald was married to Bonnie Ann Pickett, . . . , in the Idaho Falls Temple by William L Kilpack. They had nine children:
          Daniel Allan Glenn
          Tony Lee            "
          Rebecca Ann      "
          Norman Donald  "
          Patrick Tyler       "
          Michael Andrew "
          Martin Joseph     "
          Gary Gorden       "
          Timothy William   "

Derald Boyd Glenn was born . . . at home on the farm one mile north and one mile west of Kimberly, Idaho, on highway US 30. Dr. Joseph Davis was still our Doctor. His nurse, Olive Tate, was with me all afternoon and evening. She was supposed to watch me and call the Doctor as soon as she thought she should. The nurse had me on the bed and everything in readiness. I felt some extra pressure and told her. She put me to bed and my husband, Wesley called the Doctor. The baby decided to come and not wait for anyone--so he came before the Doctor got there. The Doctor came rushing in and said, "Why didn't you call me sooner?" She said we did but the baby come too quickly. Everything went OK. Mother and son doing fine.

Derald graduated from Kimberly High School, attended the University of Idaho at Moscow as a music major for two years. A representative from Boeing Aircraft Co. in Renton, Washington come to Moscow and persuaded Derald and some of the other boys to go to Seattle, Washington to help build airplanes. He and his family lived in Seattle while he worked for Boeing. When he had been there about two and a half years, he decided he wanted to come back and help his dad farm in the Kimberly area. This he did. He is still farming and his Dad is helping him during the summer (and loves it).

Derald was baptized 25 February 1945 by A Stanley Brown and confirmed by his father, Jeraid Wesley Glenn. His father ordained him to all the offices of the Priesthood except the office of Seventy. He was ordained to that office by Paul H Dunn.

Derald married Lois Adelaide Taylor, . . . in the Idaho Falls Temple by William L Kilpack, Temple President.

The Children of Derald Boyd G1enn and Lois Adelaide Taylor---
          Debra Kay Glenn
          Kevin Jerald Glenn
          Cherise Renea   "
          Loriann              "
          Janeil Marie       "
          Maria Elizabeth  "
          Melanie Jeanine  "
          Nesha Michelle   "
          Karen Leann       "
          Jason Derald       "

As of 14 February, 1979, Velma Tyler and Jerald Wesley Glenn have had four children, 31 grandchildren, and 22 great grandchildren. Eleven of the great grandchildren are Stonehockers , 4 are Bates, 6 are through Derald Glenn and l is through Donald Glenn.

All of the data on these families can be found in the ward records to which they belong and in the Church Office Building, Records Department, Salt Lake City, Utah.

>>Part 7

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 5: The depression of the 30's and some early incidents

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Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

1930's----The depression of the 30's (1930)

We were married August 30, 1929, just when the "depression" was beginning, and when it hit, the bottom dropped out of everything. It went on into the 40's. People couldn't get a job anywhere. It they did, the person that hired them didn't have any money to pay them for their work.

People couldn't sell anything, if they had anything to sell, because no one had any money to buy.

The banks closed. Those that did have any money in the banks couldn't get it out (That is one disadvantage of a bank). In this area, the two banks in Twin Falls, Bank and Trust and Fidelity, finally got enough together to open and keep open a little bank in Filer. That helped some.

Very few people in those days had a furnace to heat their homes, which was an advantage at that time. Heaters were used to heat the homes. The people couldn't sell their crops--so they burned them for fuel. We could keep one room quite warm by starting a fire with some small peices [sic] of wood then carefully piling some beans on. About all they did was smoulder. But, they kept many from freezing. Slack (powdered) coal was also used the same way. Extreme care had to be taken to keep a draft through it or it would blow up and fog the smoke and fumes all over the house, which it did quite often. Most every one had a difficult time getting the coal because they didn't have the money to buy it with. Everyone had a hard time getting the necessities of life and I mean NECESSITIES---existing---

Wesley and the other Glenn boys worked with their dad on the farm. Their dad did not want them to work away from home. When we got married, his dad gave him $100 to buy some furniture for our house. We took it to a furniture store in Twin Falls and asked them how much we could buy with it. They figured for a while and let us have a brown iron bedstead, a pair of springs , a mattress, a dresser and a 9 by 12 ft lenoleum rug for the bedroom and a dinnette set (a small table and four chairs) . Wesley's folks gave us two small rockers and a camp stove (we used to heat the room and cook what we could on top of it). They also gave us an old iron folding cot that I put a folded quilt on and used it for more sitting room if anyone came. The $100 and a once a month $5 hand out was Wesley's pay for the years work, I guess. We managed to exist on it. The only furniture we had for 20 or 25 years was something Wesley's folks didn't want or had worn out, I should say.

We had our four children between 1931 and 1936, which made our financial condition worse. We didn't get the Doctor's bill paid until after our last child was born. I'll bet the Doctor was glad to see the last of us. He was very good to those who didn't have and poured it on to those who did have.

I made all the clothes and canned everything we ate. We did have a cow which helped.

Moena was almost two her second Christmas . We didn't have any money to buy her a present. We asked a merchant in Kimberly, Russel (Rus) Wilson, if he would take two sacks (100 lbs each) of beans in trade for a little red wagon and a little red rocking chair he had in his store (they were $1.00 each) . He said he would. That is the way Moena got her first Christmas present.

Some of the prices--at that time ---
Beef - 10 to 15 ¢ per pound - live weight
Eggs - 20 to 25 ¢ per dozen
50 lbs of flour - 98 ¢
Butter - about 50 ¢ per pound
Cotton cloth - 5 to 35¢ depending on grade -- could push a broom straw through the 5¢.
Beans - 98¢ to a $1 per hundred weight
Wheat - about 25 to 50 ¢ per bushel
Apples - wind falls - 25¢ per bushel, or free sometimes if you picked them off the ground. Better grade - 75¢ to $1 per bushel.
Mens overalls - 98¢, shirt - about the same.
Womens work and childrens shoes - 98¢
If you could find work--women or girls, $5 per week--men $1.50 per day for stacking hay. later men got $17.50 per week (9 hour day, 6 days a week).
Everyone that had any space had a cow and a few chilckens which helped the meals a bit.
Men stacked hay by hand for $1.50 per day.
The houses couldn't be kept very warm so I bought all you children a pair of coveralls. I washed them out at night, let them dry and you put them on the next day.

In 1970, bib overalls were $3.98 per pair, a denem [sic0 jacket the same. In March, 1979, overalls were $15. and up and jackets, 15 to 35 dollars.
The cheapest dresses were $20 to $70 and over $100 or more for the best.
Milk $2.09 for whole, $1.89 pergal for 2%. Fruit, apples, peaches, etc., $6 to $10 per bushel (1978). Beef, 60¢ and up per pound live weight.

Everything gradually started to pick up after Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president and started a lot of government spending projects. This is when the government started getting in debt and it gets worse every year. (1979)

This is our 50th year of marriage (Velma and Wesley). We have our property all paid for (in 1975). We have our home furnished comfortably and have enough money to pay our expenses by being very careful of our spending and hope we will always have.

Some early incidents--When I was very small, my father made a swing and hung it between two large cedar trees in our yard. We children had to take turns for a certain period of time, then we had to let the next child, brother or sister, take a turn, etc. Sometimes we would get to arguing about whose turn was next or someone took turn too long. If Dad came around and heard us arguing, he would put the swing up so high we couldn't reach it and say, "Now when you think you can play with the swing without arguing, I will take the swing down." Sometimes he would let it hang there for a day or two.

All the people in this area were very bitter toward the "Mormons" and didn't want them in that area, and didn't want them preaching to the people. Some of the men in the community planned to burn the church to try to get rid of them. They piled some wood against the church house and lit a fire and went away thinking it would burn. The fire went out. The house didn't burn. They went inside another night, built a fire, set the wood afire and ran away. It went out. They tried again. This time they piled a lot of fine pieces of wood and larger pieces in between the benches, poured kerosene all over it, lit it and ran away, thinking for sure it would burn this time. It burned long enough to scorch some of the wood and went out, not damaging anything. They never tried it again. Grandpa and grandma said it was a testimony to them that "God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform". He wouldn't let the church house burn.

Jerald Wesley Glenn Family (Taken 1952)
Velma Tyler &Jerald Wesley Glenn (Front Seated)
Back Row L to R Patricia Ann, Donald Wesley, Derald Boyd & Moena

>>Part 6

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Life History of Velma Tyler Glenn (1906-1996): Part 4: Memories of Arkansas and Ancestors

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

August 30, 1979, was our Golden Wedding Aniversery [sic]. Our children had a very nice party for us. We told them we only wanted our close relatives invited, our brothers and sisters, our children and grandchildren. That many relatives made quite a crowd. We appreciate all our children did for us to make it a happy occasion. They had a beautiful four tier white and gold cake made. They sang songs and told short stories about our lives and theirs.

Another thought---I must not leave out. This is 26 November 1984-- ---
Wesley and I (Velma) have been working as name extractors in the Spanish language since June of 1982. We work afternoons three or four times per week. We enjoy this mission as much as we did the one we filled in Independence, Missouri.

Continued--1979. My daughter, Patricia, and her daughter, Lisa, can be blamed for this addition to this history. They wanted me to tell what the country was like in northern Arkansas, where I was born, and more of the things that happened to my ancestors.

All of the eastern half of what is now the United States was heavily wooded in the early days when the people from the eastern coutries [sic] first settled in the country. Some of the trees were two to three feet in diameter. It was more of a jungle. All under the tall trees were smaller trees and shrubbery from a foot to six feet high and many many kinds of wild flowers. The large trees were hardwood. Three kinds of oak, hickory, walnut, birch, maple, sycamore, gum and cypress (all I can remember).

Some of the smaller trees I remember were black haw, about 6 to 8 feet high, fruit was edible. Sweet, sort of dry, ripe in the fall. Mostly seed, fruit hung in clusters. Maybe a handfull to the cluster. Each little fruit about a half inch long and not as wide. Very good. The red haw was the same size. We didn't eat its fruit. I don't know if it was good or not.

There were wild plums, wild crab apples (about an inch in diameter), wild strawberries, black berries, dew berries (similar to boysen berries in Idaho). Wild May apple (fruited in May) grew about a foot high, had two leaves on it that stood straight from the stem. Two little apples grew out just above the leaves, about one inch to one and one-half inches in length and diameter. They had a rather queer flavor but very good. The wild cherry tree also grew there. The tree was hard wood, grew very high and large and the cherries were bitter. We ate them anyway. They were good for jam or jelly. The persimon tree grew to be probably 50 feet. The persimons were about an inch in diameter and were much better after frost--more sweet and sugary.

Three varieties of grapes grew wild. The vines grew up and wound around the trees. We sometimes had to climb the trees to get them if they were on a very high tree.

There were black walnuts, three sizes of hickory nuts, and hazel nuts that grew as shrubbery under the large trees. Some of the acorns from the oak trees were edible, if you didn't eat too many.

During the winter and spring, cold springs of water would push up out of the ground. Some would flow all year long and some would dry up during the hot dry months.

There were many wild flowers in bush and shrubbery and also flowering trees. It looked just like a beautiful garden during the springtime.

With the damp beauty comes a lot of disagreable [sic] things--poison snakes, spiders, ticks, chiggers and many other disagreable [sic] pests.

The states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, are the states I know more about because I have studied them searching for information on my ancestors. I have studied some about the states of Illinois, Pennsylvannia [sic], Virginia and South and North Carolina, where some of my ancestors settled first. These states, especially northern Arkansas and southern Missouri, have large beautiful caves, many lakes, and many large streams that are full of fish.

Mother said the HOGAN OR O‘HOGAN ancestorus [sic] came from Limerick, Ireland. The four brothers, Joseph, Charles, Humphrey and Waiter G, came over to America with an Irish Colony of Catholics between 1700 and 1800 because mother and I found them in Tennessee marriage records, court records . Humphrey had many acres of land there before 1800. We have never fouind [sic] where they landed in America on the East coast. Humphrey was married in Davidson county, Tennessee, 24 June, 1800, to Catherine Fisher (Md Rec of Davidson Co, Tenn). I don't know if he ever left there. Charles and Joseph Hogan are mentioned in the very earliest records of Kentucky, helping improve lands and waterways. The record said that Charles and Joseph and a number of other men's names were found on some scraps of paper. The researcher said they could find no other records of the men. They figure they were killed by the Indians because they were very hostile in that area (before 1800) and killed many of the early settlers . My great great grandfather, Walter G Hogan, their brother, was married in Hopkinsville, Christian county, Kentucky, 18 March, 1800 to Susannah Miller (Md rec of smae place & Martin Miller's will). They and all their chidren [sic] were found there in the 1810 census.

Martin Miler (Muller, etc) and his wife, Sophia Randleman (Rindlemann, Rintelin, etc) came from Germany (Ship list). The next place we found them was in North Carolina, next in Kentucky, Missouri, then to Arkansas Territory. Our other ancestors that are supposed to come to America from Germany are Meyer, Moyer, Myer, Moir, and many other spellings. (We first found them in North Carolina) Weidener (now usually Whitener but also found spelled Wydner) . The Graves or Segraves or Sitgraves or Seagraves, etc, from England (the family said [sic] directly from England and settled in western North Carolina, settled on California Creek near Mars Hill (it is still there. There is a college there by that name and one in England)

My great great grandfather, Vincent Segraves, moved from North Carolina to Illinois. There he married his first wife (never found the name) and all their children were born there. The oldest child, Elizabeth, married a Payne and stayed in Illinois. The others moved to Arkansas.

We are not sure where our branch of the TYLER (also TILER, TILLER, etc)[from England] landed. But, the Tylers that landed on an Island off the coast of the Virginias and in Virginia, are our branch. They have the same male family names as ours. Those that landed in Massachusetts and higher up in the states are not related (proved by that branch). While checking the President John Tyler genealogy records, the men's family names are the same as ours carried on generation after generation. They said one of their James Tylers went south from Virginia. They didn't know where. Our oldest Tyler that we have record of, James, was supposed to have come through or from Georgia to Arkansas. I found James in Lawrence county, Territory of Arkansas, in the 1830 and 1840 census. According to these census, he was born 1780. It didn't give a birth place. I found his wife, Sylvia, 86 in the 1850 census of Randolph county, Arkansas. She said she was born in North Carolina. She had two of her grandsons with her.

My great grandmother, Mary Ann Myer(s) was a very small woman with dark complexion. Very spry and moved quickly. A hard worker, very particular. Everything had to be done right. She was the second wife of my great grandfather, Martin Miller Hogan. Martin was born in Hopkinsville, Christian co, Kentucky, 28 August, 1803. Mary Ann was born in Fredericktown, Madison co, Missouri, about 1811 (cemetery rec.). She is the daughter of Mary or Ann Marie Weidener (Whitener) and Henry Myer(s). Henry was born about 1780, and Ann Marie about 1790 (as near as we can figure from census records). Mary Ann Myers and Martin Miller Hogan are the parents of my grandfather, John Gabriel Hogan, who was born 22 March 1851 in Foster (10 miles north of Pocahontas), Randolph co, Arkansas. He married Mariah Elizabeth Segraves, 24 February, 1876, at that same place. Mariah Elizabeth was born at the same place as above, 14 June, 1856. This couple are the parents of my mother Mary Ann Hogan, who was born 5 January, 1877 at that same place. She married Rufus Black Tyler, who was born 20 August, 1871, at Lima (in the same area). Their marriage date was 10 January, 1892, at Attica (same area as above). Grandfather Hogan was a short dark complexioned man. Dark hair that he kept cut short all over his head. He was very stooped in his shoulders (mother was also. She had grandfathers dark hair and skin.) He was a hard worker. Very quiet, but laughed easily. Grandma Mariah Elizabeth Hogan had fair skin, light brown curly hair and blue eyes, quite large frame and bones, a spotless housekeeper, an excellent seamstress. She could spin cotton and wool into thread and weave it into cloth in different weights or thicknesses for blankets or work clothes or dress clothes. She was a very jolly person and loved to joke. But she could get very angry. I never remember seeing Grandpa get angry.

My mother was a perfect person, I think. I can't remember any fault she had. She was jolly, loved to joke with we children. She knew how to spin cotton and wool into thread, crochet, knit, embroider and was an excellent seamstress. Father was 5 feet, 10 inches tall, dark hair, grey eyes. He liked to play and sing with we children around the fireplace at night. If he got angry at mother, he would walk out of the house and stay until he cooled off. He was a hard worker and believed children should have work to do each day, to help keep them out of mischief. We were taught to be very polite, at home as well as at other places. We were not to touch anything that didn't belong to us. He helped mother outline the work for us to do each day in and around the house. He always wanted his family to be neat and clean, in appearance as well as conduct. When we were told to do something, we did it now, not five minutes later. He said "Procrastination is a thief of time", "A place for everything and everything in its place", "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today", "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", “A stitch in time saves nine (stitches)“, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise". I think he said Benjamin F said that. He always had some quote that fit the occasion and he knew who said it. "Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold.“ Thomas Jefferson said that. "Always put your best foot forward“ (look the best you can under the circumstances) at all times.

My grandfather, John Tyler, was born 1810 (1850, 1860 & 1870 census of Randolph co, Arkansas) Once he said he was born in Indiana, another in Arkansas, another, no place was given. His second marriage was to my grandmother, Sarah Catherine Jones, 27 November, 1868 (Randolph co Md. rec, in Court house at Pocahontas, Arkansas) Looking at John Tyler's picture, I would say he had very dark brown hair, small dark eyes, slender face (ears sort of stuck out from his head) (I was told that is a Tyler characteristic.), tall and slender. Grandma Sarah Catherine gave her birth date as 1839, born in Indiana (1860 & 1870 census, Randolph co, Arkansas). Sarah was of medium build, medium brown hair, fair complexion, blue or greyish eyes.

Ancestors-- ---Incidents
The Jones, Weidener (Whitener), Segraves, Eldridge, Miller (Muller, Mueller, etc), Randleman (Rendlemann, Rintelin) and many of those that married into these families were at one time in North Carolina. All the people in the very early days seemed to move quite often. They covered a lot of territory considering they had to travel by horse or ox team, or horse back. I suppose they were hunting for the greenest grass or they didn't want their neighbors too close. They had so many encounters with the Indians, one would think the people would want to stay close to each other. The men, according to history, were very brave, but I'll bet the women folks were frightened. The old Heinrich (Henry) Weidener came home from hunting one day by way of his neighbors and found their house burned and all of them dead by scalping. Their little baby was still alive when he found it. He took it to his home but having its whole head peeled (scalped), it died. I don't know why the Indians killed that way. To make the people suffer longer I suppose. Why didn't they just shoot them like they did in their wars.

All the old ancestors lived in Forts at first. The men would have to brave it outside the walls to hunt food for them to eat.

Great grandfather Vincent Segraves was hunting one day and he heard the Indians coming. He saw a cabin near by. He went inside and climbed up in the chimney as far as he could. It seemed to be the custom for the braves to send a squaw into build a fire. She came in and looked up the chimney before building the fire and say [sic] Vincent up there. He shook his head and motioned for her not to tell. She didn't build tthe [sic] fire. He didn't know what she told the braves, but they left and Vincent climed [sic] down and went home. One time, another man was hunting with him. They had been hunting for some time and were cold. They found a deserted cabin near and went in to get warm. They had just got inside when they heard the Indians coming. They climbed up in the loft as they called it. Some boards layed over the two by fours, or whatever. Vincent told the other man to be very quiet or the Indians would kill them. This man was very curious so when the Indians came in, he kept edging over to see if he could see them. He knocked one of the boards to the floor. The Indians didn't look to see where it came from. It scared them so much, they ran away as fast as they could

Vincent was in the Revolutionary War, in the Battle of Kings Mountain. One of his brothers was killed in the battle. He was also one of "Johnson‘s Guards." He and many of the other men (relatives) at that time were in all the early wars . The country had "rebels" (they were called), gangs that just went about destroying and taking anything from the people that they wanted. The people didn't dare try to stop them or they would be killed. They would take their animals, especially horses, destroy their crops, gardens, take their knives and cut the cloth in the looms. Sometimes they would take the men off and kill them.

Grandmother Mariah Elizabeth Segraves Hogan was the one that told we children about an the things that happened to the ancestors. Many of the things she was old enough to see happen during the Civil War.

Grandma said her father, Thomas Henry Segraves, got up mornings, warm or cold, and walked to the big spring where they got their water, and washed his face and head. If it was cold, he would come back to the house with icicle in his hair. He said it was healthy. They were thankful he didn't insist on any of the other family members doing it.

The people always got up long before day light and worked until after dark. They had to, I suppose, to get all the carding, spinning, weaving, and sewing done. It was an every day job, except Sunday. Saturday night was celebration night. The young folks had that time off. Grandma said sometimes they would dance all night. To save the wear on their shoes, in warm weather, they carried them almost to the church house, then put them on. When they left the church, they took them off again, as soon as they got out of sight of the church. The fathers made the shoes. They had one pair at a time.

Every one had fireplaces in their homes. It was used to keep them warm and to cook their food. Some had ovens built to one side, to bake in. Many just used their heavy iron skillets that had heavy iron lids. They put them on the fire to get them hot. Then they would rake some coals out on the hearth, set the skillet on them, put the bread in or whatever they wanted to bake, but the hot lid on and put some coals on it . Some of the food was cooked in an iron kettle hung on a rod over the fire. They also used copper kettles.

There was no water in the house. It had to be carried in and out. No toilets. It was a little house out back.

Grandma said she say [sic] a meteor shower when she was a young girl . They thought all the stars were falling and that the world was coming to an end. Every one was frightened. until it stopped.

All the ashes from the fireplace were piled in a hopper. When speing [sic] came, the women poured water on the ashes every day. When the ashes got all soaked, the liquid that ran through into a trough at the bottom would be strong lye. The women tested the solution by dipping a chicken feather in it. It if dissolved the feather, it was strong enough. This solution was kept covered at all times because it was strong enough to kill an animal or person. The solution was put in a large iron kettle, on a fire outside. The fat from the meat was put in as it was boiled until the lye ate up (disolved [sic]) the fat. The stronger the lye, the quicker it would eat up the fat. It was set aside to cool, then cut into retangular [sic] shapes and put in large wooden troughs to cure or dry. After they were cured, the lye had spent its strength on the soap, it was ready to use. These big trought [sic] were kept in one end of the “smoke house“ where the meat was put to smoke and cure. Salt was also stored with it. It was bought by the 50 gallon wooden barrel. They cured some of the meet [sic] with it. The pork sides (beacon) callled [sic] salt pork. That is the only way they had to keep it.

(Sketch of soap making device here ----- )

Grandma said, in the early days the people had to build their homes of logs. They didn't have time to saw or split the lumber and let it dry before building. The floors were made of wide planks or boards split from a big tree. They were put in as soon as they were cut. After they lay there for awhile, the boards or slabs would get dry. That would make big cracks between the boards. She said they were called puncheon floors. I don't know why and I didn't ask her. Later years, the floors were made of smooth hardwood. Many were left bare and polished and cleaned by rubbing the floors with clean white sand then sweeping it up. When they covered the floors, they would cover it with a clean layer of straw with a home woven carpet over it, and tacked down. Every spring, the carpet was taken up, put outside and beat good. New clean straw was put down, and the carpet tacked down again. The matresses were made of an unbleached material and stuffed with clean straw. This was redone each spring. From this time (1700-1800 and on up to 1915) everyone had a mattress filled with nice fluffy goose feathers to put on top of the straw mattress. If a young person got married, and the parents could not scrape up enough to give them a feather mattress and two feather pillows, it was an unpardonable sin.

>>Part 5