Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Parents of my mother, Mary Ann Hogan, John Gabriel Hogan (B) 22 March 1851. (D) 17 July 1933 (B.&(D) in Attica, Randolph Co.,Ark. He was a small man with dark brown hair & dark gray eyes, dark complexion, very quiet but easy to laugh. He loved to play his violin. Many times he would sit up nights until midnight & play his violin for his own relaxation and amusement. Sometimes when we children were there he would get up from his chair, play his violin start dancing a jig, laugh and kick the chair over nearest to him. Grandma would laugh and say, "O Pa, behave yourself."
Mary Elizabeth Segraves (B) 14 June 1856, (D) 16 Jan.1944 in Attica ,Randolph Co., Ark. She had light brown hair, blue eyes & fair complexion. (Hair very curly.) She was a very jolly person and loved to joke.
Parents of my father, Rufus Black Tyler. John Tyler (B) abt 1810 (D) abt 1876 in Lima, Randolph Co., Ark. Dark hair, dark complexion, dark eyes.
Sarah Catherine Jones (B) abt 1839 (D) abt 1885 or 1886 in Lima Randolph Co. , Ark. Fair skin, bluish eyes, light brown hair. (I don t know anything about them. I didn't see them.
My father, Rufus Black Tyler. (B( 20 Auq. 1871 (Lima Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 29 Oct. 1949, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho. He had dark skin, dark brown hair, gray eyes. He loved to read the scriptures, sing, dance, tell stories to we children in the evening by the fireplace. Jolly but very strict when he needed to be. A hard worker. Very neat and clean in appearence [sic].
My Mother--- Mary Ann Hogan (B) 5 Jan. 1877, Attica, Randolph, Ark. (D) 25 June 1964 Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., Idaho. She was very small about 5ft. Dark hair, dark skin & dark gray eyes. Jolly, loved to tease we children. She sang a lot to we children when we were small. She was an excellent seamstress and a very clean house keeper. "Everything in it's [sic] place and a place for everything".
Brothers and sisters of Velma Tyler (Glenn)------
Ada Ethel Tyler )B) 2 July 1893 Attica Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 20 June 1955 in Saginaw, Michigan. Light brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin.
Emmett Tyler (B) 22 June 1895 Attica Randolph Co., Ark. (D) 10 Nov. 1921 Solomanville, Graham Co., Ariz. He was tall, about 5 ft. 10 Or 6 ft. Dark brown hair &skin, dark gray eyes. Very religious, sincere yet had his fun times. when [sic] all his sisters had their girl friends over Emmett would dress in a girls dress and play his violin while the girls danced. They all had a lot of fun. In those days people had to make their own fun. Now it is made for them. It takes away all their immagination [sic] and initiative.
Blanche Tyler (B) 18 Feb. 1898 at Attica Randolph Co.,Ark. (D) 18 Apr.1980 at Idaho Falls Bonneville Co., Idaho. She had dark brown hair, medium dark skin, gray eyes. She also loved to sing and dance.
Edna Tyler (B) 21 Mar.1900 Attica, Randolph Co.,Ark. Medium brown hair &skin med. dark. About the same likes and dislaikes [sic] as the others.
Thelma Tyler (B) 31 Mar. 1903 (d) 6 Aug. 1904 Attica, Randolph Co., Ark. Blue eyes, light skin, light brown curly hair.
Velma Tyler (B) 25 Jan. 1906 Attica Randolph co.,Ark. Medium golden Brown hair, medium dark skin and gray eyes. Loves good Folk, Clasical [sic] & good country music, danceing [sic], sewing, all kinds of fancy work, quilting, Genealogy & research. Loves to read screptures [sic] and all good clean books and literature. Love to sing. I have been on two missions for our church. 1 stake & one foreign.
John Leslie Tyler (B) 16 February 1909 Attica Randolph Arkansas. Light brown hair, fair skin & blue eyes. Loves music, all good music, singing, dancing. He and his wife, Edith, have been on two missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
Glenda Opal Tyler (B) 19 May 1912 (in Attica Randobph Co..Ark.
Gray eyes, mediummbrown [sic] hair, olive color skin. She love [sic]to mix with people., love her Church work. She has been working as an officiator in the Los Angles temple for twelve years. Is still working there.
Mildred Tyler (B) 27 Feb. 1915. Enola, Faulkner Co.,Ark. Gray eyes, medium dark skin, medium brown hair. She has about the same qualities as all we girls do. Loves good music, her church work, fancy work, sewing etc.
Jewel Catherine Elizabeth Tyler (B) 23 June 1918 Enola Faulkner Co.,Ark. She is a registered nurse, now retired, Works [sic] as an officiator in the Idaho Falls Idaho temple. Loves drama, music, dancing, sewing, fancy work etc. She has brown eyes, fair skin and medium dark red hair.
Samuel Lyman Tyler (B) 27 Mar. 1920 Attica Randolph Co.,Ark. Gray eyes, mediun [sic] dark skin,medium dark hair. Loves history, Mucsic [sic] drama. He received his Dr. of pholosophy [sic] degree from the University of Utah. he teaches in the unuversity [sic] and writes books on history and writes boigraphies [sic].
Rufus Lloyd Tyler (B) 25 June 1923, Attica, Randolph, Arkansas. Has blue or light gray eyes, fair skin and light brown curly hair. He loves music, singing and instrumental. He owns a sports good store and is a very successful business man.
Children of Velma Tyler and Jerald Wesley Glenn-------
Moena Glenn . . . She has medium brown hair, gray eyes and medium dark or olive complexion. She loves all good music. She sings and plays the piano and organ. She sews, Knits, crochets very well and is a good cook. Very religious.
Patricia Ann Glenn . . . She has medium brown curly hair, fair skin and blue eyes. She loves religious and clacical [sic] music. She sings and plays the piano, sews, knits, crochets and is a good cook.
Donald Wesley Glenn . . . He has medium dark skin, gray or brownish eyes, & dark brown curly hair. He loves good music, religion, Sings and plays the clarinet. He is an agronomist. very good in woodwork.
Derald Boyd Glenn . . . He has medium brown curly hair, gray or hazel color eyes, medium fair complexion. He is religious. Loves good music, including singing and playing the different instruments. He plays the obo [sic]. He is a successful farmer.
Next are listed the grandchildren and great grandchildren of Velma Tyler Glenn and Jerald Wesley Glenn and their attributes and birth dates. I am going to omit that part for now since as far as I know they are all still alive.
Part 10